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2023  參加在南京東慈美術館舉行“锦时霓裳”——2023南京东慈书画院女性艺术家展。

2022  參加在南京顏真卿紀念館舉辦颜氏家训学堂揭牌仪式暨颜氏家训书画作品社区巡展。

2020  完成67.2米小楷長卷《顏氏家訓》。

2019  在南京大學藝術學院舉行楊左棠女士捐贈書籍儀式

2018  出版《楊左棠書北大方正字庫》《楊左棠書李清照漱玉詞》。在南京廣廈美術館舉行“書以載道——楊左棠書法藝術展”暨两部出版书籍的首發式。向各級圖書館、大學、中學、小學、鄉鎮學校捐贈書籍三千余冊。

2017 左棠楷書”入選北大方正字庫;3月,參加由省婦聯和省書法家協會聯合舉辦,常州市婦聯、常州市西太湖美術館聯合承辦的丹鳳鳴春萬家和-江蘇省女書法家暨最美家庭書法作品展;8月,參加 由金陵女子書院主辦,中澤美術館承辦的「蓮心荷意」系列詠蓮主題的詩書畫展。

2016  ​3月,在舊金山國際藝術中心舉辦“紙墨意韻 楊建侯遺作暨楊左棠書法展”並舉辦“書法的魅力”主題講座;9月,參加江蘇省美術館舉辦的“紀念孫中山誕辰150周年書法作品展”;10月,參加舊金山國際藝術中心舉辦的“兩岸四地當代名家藝術作品邀請展”。

2015  在南京舉辦了“好墨緣——武曉臨、楊左棠、王靜修書法展”。

2014  參加“洛杉磯全球藝術精品大展”,被組委會授予“中美文化藝術交流使者”稱號。11月在美國聖何西舉辦“海棠依舊——楊左棠書法作品展”。

2012  華人時刊《東方藝林》作進一步介紹;《名家藝術》作專題介紹。

2011  入展“江蘇省首屆婦女書法篆刻展以及江蘇省書法提名展”。

2010  台灣《世界論壇報》兩次專版報道,《中國藝術報》、《美術報》、《南京晨報》作專版報道,《揚子晚報》作專題報道,在江蘇美術館舉辦“紀念楊建侯誕辰一百週年---楊建侯遺作展暨楊左棠書法展”,並出版《楊左棠書法》。


2009  《江蘇公共》電視頻道製作專題節目;華人時刊《東方藝林》做專題介紹


2007  《新華日報》作專版報道,在江蘇省美術館舉辦“楊建侯遺作展暨楊左棠書法展”,並出版《楊左棠書法集》。


2006  在美國硅谷亞洲藝術中心舉辦個人展覽及講座,北美華文《星島日報》、《僑報》和《明報》作專題報道。


2005  赴歐洲進行文化藝術交流,參加“巴黎-中國書畫家邀請展”,被授予“中歐文化藝術特使”稱號。


2003  入展江蘇省書法家協會與澳門書法家協會聯合主辦的“江蘇婦女書法作品邀請展”。

Artistic Biography of Yang Zuotang

Yang Zuotang, originally from Wuxi, was born in Nanjing in 1948. Her father, Yang Jianhou, was a prominent figure in Chinese art history and education, personally nurtured by Mr. Xu Beihong. She is considered one of the first-generation Chinese painters and art educators, with a lasting legacy in Chinese art history. Influenced by her family's artistic background from a young age, she followed her father's guidance and devoted herself to calligraphy. Her foundation in calligraphy is deep and solid, with particular expertise in small regular script (小楷) and semi-cursive script (行草).

Since the 1990s, her works have consistently appeared in various art exhibitions and have been featured in major newspapers and magazines worldwide. She has held numerous solo and group calligraphy exhibitions in art museums, and her work has been the subject of television features. Her artworks are held in collections by numerous art enthusiasts and institutions, and she has been invited to write inscriptions for various renowned organizations. She has also published several collections of her calligraphy.

Currently, she serves as the Chairman of the Yang Jianhou Art Foundation, a member of the Xu Beihong Research Association in Jiangsu Province, and a member of the Jiangsu Calligraphers Association.

In 2023, she participated in the "Silk and Fashion: 2023 Nanjing Dongci Academy of Painting and Calligraphy Female Artists Exhibition" at the Dongci Art Museum in Nanjing.

In 2022, she participated in the Yan Family Rules School unveiling ceremony and the calligraphy and painting community tour exhibition at the Yan Zhenqing Memorial Hall in Nanjing.

In 2020, she completed a 68.72-meter-long scroll of small regular script for "The Yan Family Rules."

In 2019, a book donation ceremony was held in her honor at the School of Arts of Nanjing University.

In 2018, she published "Yang Zuotang Calligraphy in Peking University Founder Font Library" and "Yang Zuotang Calligraphy: Li Qingzhao's Shuyu Ci." She held a calligraphy art exhibition titled "Calligraphy as a Carrier of Culture: Yang Zuotang Calligraphy Art Exhibition" at the Guangsha Art Museum in Nanjing and donated over three thousand books to libraries, universities, middle schools, primary schools, and township schools.

In 2017, her "Zuotang Regular Script" was selected for inclusion in the Peking University Founder Font Library. She participated in the "Ten Thousand Homes and a Danfeng Mingchun" Jiangsu Female Calligraphers and Most Beautiful Family Calligraphy Works Exhibition, jointly organized by the Jiangsu Women's Federation and the Jiangsu Calligraphers Association. She also participated in the "Lotus Heart and Meaning" series of lotus-themed poetry, calligraphy, and painting exhibitions organized by the Jinling Women's College and hosted by the Zhongze Art Museum.

In 2016, she held the "Ink and Charm: Yang Jianhou's Legacy and Yang Zuotang's Calligraphy Exhibition" at the San Francisco International Art Center and conducted a lecture on the theme "The Charm of Calligraphy." She participated in the "Calligraphy Works Exhibition Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Sun Yat-sen's Birth" at the Jiangsu Art Museum and the "2016 Across the Pacific The Third Chinese Art Festival Art Exhibition" at the San Francisco International Art Center.

In 2015, she organized the "Ink Fate: Wu Xiaolin, Yang Zuotang, Wang Jingxiu Calligraphy Exhibition" in Nanjing.

In 2014, she participated in the Los Angeles Global Art Fair and was awarded the title of "Worldwide Art China." In November, she held the "Yang's Heart will Go on: Yang Zuotang Calligraphy Exhibition" in San Jose, USA.


In 2012, she was further introduced in the Chinese-language magazine "Oriental Art Magazine" and featured in the magazine "Renowned Artists' Art."


In 2011, she participated in the inaugural Jiangsu Women's Calligraphy and Seal Carving Exhibition and the Jiangsu Calligraphy Nomination Exhibition.


In 2010, there were two special feature reports in Taiwan's "World Forum Daily," dedicated coverage in "Chinese Art News," "Fine Arts News," and "Nanjing Morning Post," as well as a special feature in the "Yangtze Evening News." Additionally, an exhibition titled "Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Yang Jianhou's Birth: Yang Jianhou's Legacy Exhibition and Yang Zuotang Calligraphy Exhibition" was held at the Jiangsu Art Museum. Furthermore, a book titled "Yang Zuotang Calligraphy" was published.


In 2009, she was featured in a special television program by Jiangsu Public Television, and she was introduced in the Chinese-language magazine "Oriental Art Forest."


In 2007, she was featured in a special edition of "Xinhua Daily," and she held the "Yang Jianhou's Legacy Exhibition and Yang Zuotang Calligraphy Exhibition" at the Jiangsu Art Museum. She also published "Yang Zuotang's Calligraphy Collection."


In 2006, she held a personal exhibition and lecture at the Asian Art Center in Silicon Valley, USA, and was featured in special articles in North American Chinese newspapers, including "Sing Tao Daily," "Qiao Bao," and "Ming Pao."


In 2005, she went to Europe for cultural and artistic exchanges and participated in the "Paris-China Invitational Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting Artists," where she was awarded the title of "Cultural and Artistic Ambassador between China and Europe."


In 2003, she participated in the "Jiangsu Women's Calligraphy Works Invitation Exhibition" jointly organized by the Jiangsu Calligraphers Association and the Macau Calligraphers Association.

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